Discipline Used: Field Services
Bangor P990 Big Beef Estuary Restoration Feasibility, Tidal Hydrodynamic and Sediment Transport Modeling
cbec performed detailed field data collection, and 2-dimensional hydrodynamic and sediment transport modeling of estuarine processes at the Big Beef Creek and Estuary proposed restoration site.
Huckleberry Island Dam Modification
cbec was contracted to investigate the feasibility of modifying or removing the Huckleberry Island Dam to improve passage conditions. Huckleberry Island Dam is located on the San Lorenzo River in._.
Lower American River Current Condition DEM and 2D Model Development Project
cbec is developing a current conditions digital elevation model (DEM) and HEC-RAS two-dimensional (2D) hydrodynamic model of the lower American River for the Sacramento Water Forum and the Sacramento Area._.
Southport Multi-Objective Flood Control and Habitat Restoration Project
A cornerstone project for cbec, spanning multiple years, and with various project team configurations, this West Sacramento Area Flood Control Agency (WSAFCA) project’s goal is to set back parts of._.
Swift Slough Restoration Feasibility Study
cbec conducted a feasibility study, on behalf of Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, to investigate the dynamics of sediment transport / deposition in the main channel of the Apalachicola._.
Yolo Bypass Wildlife Area Habitat and Drainage Improvements
The Yolo Bypass Wildlife Area (YBWA) supports agricultural and wildlife habitat management objectives as well as public use. Water delivery and drainage are vital to provide optimal conditions for all._.
Lower American River, Lake Natoma and Folsom Reservoir Hydrodynamic and Water Temperature Modeling Project
cbec has developed and applied a variety of hydrodynamic and water temperature models for the American River, Lake Natoma and Folsom Reservoir.
Hallwood Side Channel and Floodplain Restoration Project
This project is designed to restore and enhance ecosystem processes within an important reach of the Yuba River. The primary project focus is on enhancing productive juvenile salmonid rearing habitat._.
Honolulu Bar Fisheries Enhancement Project
Honolulu Bar is located on United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) property and funded by a grant from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service – Anadromous Fish Restoration Program.._.
Sewer Crossing Bank Stabilization and Toe Stabilization Design
As part of the Sacramento Area Sewer District’s Creek Protection Project, cbec teamed with Brown & Caldwell to conduct a geomorphic reconnaissance at 40 stream sewer crossings in Sacramento County.._.
Bangor P990 Crescent Bay Tidal Inlet Monitoring
In 2010, the US Navy undertook a tidal wetland restoration project at Crescent Harbor, Whidbey Island, Puget Sound, Washington. An important element of the restoration project was to breach a._.
Water Quality Evaluation of Battle Bend and Other Major Apalachicola River Sloughs
cbec worked with Philip Williams and Associates on a project that aimed to characterize the hydraulic connectivity and water quality of large floodplain sloughs within the Apalachicola River System. This._.
Lower Yolo Ranch Tidal Restoration Project
Lower Yolo Restoration project overview.Fish rescue operations prior to deepening existing canals.Newly created tidal channels connecting Yolo Ranch to Yolo Flyway Farms (during construction).Newly created tidal channels connected to deepened._.
Grady Ranch EIS/EIR Review
Photos depict large-scale bank erosion and stream degradation Photos depict large-scale bank erosion and stream degradation cbec is providing peer review as part of a revision of an EIS/R associated._.
Feather River Levee Setback Project
Backwater on the Feather River. Aerial of Feather River setback floodplain area. Credit TRLIA. Prior to joining cbec, select cbec staff members provided geomorphic and ecosystem enhancement services to the._.