Discipline Used: Hydrology
Water Quality Evaluation of Battle Bend and Other Major Apalachicola River Sloughs
cbec worked with Philip Williams and Associates on a project that aimed to characterize the hydraulic connectivity and water quality of large floodplain sloughs within the Apalachicola River System. This._.
Lower Yolo Ranch Tidal Restoration Project
Lower Yolo Restoration project overview.Fish rescue operations prior to deepening existing canals.Newly created tidal channels connecting Yolo Ranch to Yolo Flyway Farms (during construction).Newly created tidal channels connected to deepened._.
Central Valley Flood Protection Plan (CVFPP)- Identification and Prioritization of Potential Restoration Sites
Tuolumne River Sacramento River at Rio Vista cbec is currently assisting DWR (through a sub-contract with AECOM) to identify and prioritize potential restoration sites for the CVFPP. The project involves._.
Northern Liberty Island Fisheries Enhancement Project Assessment
cbec applied and refined a 2D hydrodynamic model using MIKE 21FM. The MIKE 21FM model developed by cbec encompasses a complex network of tidal channels (both natural and man-made) within._.
Grady Ranch EIS/EIR Review
Photos depict large-scale bank erosion and stream degradation Photos depict large-scale bank erosion and stream degradation cbec is providing peer review as part of a revision of an EIS/R associated._.
Feather River Levee Setback Project
Backwater on the Feather River. Aerial of Feather River setback floodplain area. Credit TRLIA. Prior to joining cbec, select cbec staff members provided geomorphic and ecosystem enhancement services to the._.
Santa Ynez River Two-Dimensional Flow Model
Santa Ynez River Simulated velocity for a flow of 6,150 cfs Water surface elevation for a flow of 1,300 cfs cbec was contracted by NMFS to construct a two-dimensional hydrodynamic._.
Lower Squaw Creek Restoration Project
A straightened and over-sized reach of the stream channel, with the ski resort in the background Examples of existing grade control and bank hardening currently in place This project intends._.
Branciforte Creek Cahill Dam Removal Design and Monitoring
Before and after at previous site of Cahill Dam on Branciforte Creek. Schematic of the current condition, immediately post construction and future condition of the once dammed reach. cbec was._.
Cougar Wetlands Habitat Improvement Analysis
Simulated velocity magnitude and direction. The Cougar Wetlands are part of a larger broad-based effort to restore and safeguard the integrity of the Cosumnes River, the last undammed river flowing._.
College Lake Improvement and Watershed Management Project
Wildlife at College Lake College Lake inundation The focus of this project was to develop a multi-objective management plan for College Lake that enhances opportunities for flood reduction, agricultural water._.
Arcade Creek Park Preserve Restoration Project
Site 1 after biotechnical stabilization techniques application.Excavators installing rootwads into the banks of Arcade Creek to stabilize the bank and limit future erosion.Construction plans designed by cbec.Arcade Creek during a._.
Feasibility Assessment for Barrier Construction along Sagehen Creek
Lahontan cutthroat trout Sagehen Creek cbec has been contracted by the California Department of Fish & Wildlife to assess the feasibility for fish passage barrier construction at multiple sites along._.
Urrutia Pond and Bank Restoration Project
cbec was part of the team that prepared the Surface Mining and Reclamation Act (SMARA) plan for the Urrutia Pond and associated river bank in the Lower American River Parkway.._.
Lower Putah Creek Restoration Project
The Lower Putah Creek Restoration Project would create a new Lower Putah Creek channel through the Yolo Bypass Wildlife Area (YBWA). This channel would connect to and enhance the existing._.