Discipline Used: Hydrology
Moosa Creek Mitigation Bank
Aerial map of watersheds and project areas Existing 100-year flow diagram cbec was recently contracted by Moosa Creek, LLC, who proposes to develop the Moosa Creek Mitigation and Conservation Bank._.
Dry Creek Habitat Enhancement Project
cbec was contracted to assist in the design and creation of habitat enhancement features on Dry Creek below Warm Springs Dam in Sonoma County.
Independent External Peer Review (IEPR) of the Sutter Basin Pilot Feasibility Study
cbec was selected to participate on the Independent External Peer Review (IEPR) Panel of the Sutter Basin Pilot Feasibility Study, Sutter Basin, California: Draft Feasibility Report – EIS/EIR, as a._.
Yolo Bypass Salmonid Habitat Restoration and Fish Passage Project EIS/EIR
The Yolo Bypass Salmonid Habitat Restoration and Fish Passage Project is a collaboration between the Bureau of Reclamation and California Department of Water Resources, that aims to provide seasonal inundation._.
Santa Clara River Estuary Habitat Restoration and Enhancement Feasibility Study
This project aims to explore the feasibility of expanding and enhancing estuarine habitat for steelhead and other native and protected species within the McGrath State Beach Campground. The Santa Clara._.
Raccoon Creek Watershed Assessment
Survey reach characterized by fluvial auditSpecific Stream Power analysis from the geomorphic assessment.Rendering of a conceptual design for a fish ladder and fish screen associated with a fish passage barrier._.
Prospect Island Tidal Restoration Project
Tules surrounding a tidal channel in the Cache Slough Complex Snapshot of model mesh and bathymetry The Cache Slough Complex is located within the Legal Delta, California. cbec previously developed._.
Sacramento River East Levee Erosion Repair Design Assistance
Erosion Repair Site Survey in Sacramento River Erosion Repair Site Survey Transect The Sacramento Flood control Agency (SAFCA) is undertaking a project to repair nine erosion sites on the Sacramento._.
Donner Basin Watershed Assessment
Erosion Hazard Analysis Floodplain and channel restoration concept graphic for creek confluence cbec, joined by a consulting archaeologist and ecologists, conducted a watershed assessment of the Donner Basin, a 29.5._.
Butano Creek Floodplain Reconnection and Restoration Design and Monitoring
Engineered log jam in channel supports floodplain reconnection on left bank where berm was removed.Simulated floodplain inundation for a 2-year event for pre-project and post-project conditions.Unsteady 2-dimensional floold simulation of._.
Lower American River – Temperature Refugia, Temperature Monitoring, and On-Call Support
Trimaran setup for temperature mapping Example of temperature mapping cbec has provided temperature and stage monitoring on the Lower American River (LAR) since 2008. In continued support of this effort,._.
American River Parkway Cordova Creek Naturalization
cbec provided restoration/rehabilitation design services for Cordova Creek. Our approach to habitat restoration design and planning included three co-equal goals of the project: habitat quality, aesthetics, and functionality. Multiple stakeholders._.