cbec provides solutions for a wide range of multi-objective projects in water-dependent ecosystems, with accomplishments ranging from the Sierras to the sea, and beyond.

We design restoration measures that will improve degraded systems using natural processes and apply innovative design techniques to maintain a healthy and diverse ecosystem without frequent intervention.

By combining hydrologic modeling with species prediction modeling, we can determine the potential ecological outcome of physical modifications to river channels and their adjacent floodplains.

The majority of our accomplished staff is educated to a PhD or Masters level.

Collectively, they have earned a multitude of additional licenses and accreditations including: professional Civil Engineer (PE), Certified Floodplain Manager (CFM), Certified Professional Erosion and Sediment Control (CPESC), Qualified Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan Developer/ Practitioner (SWPPP QSD/QSP).

  • Root wad installation construction plan
    Root wad installation construction plan
  • Conditions immediately after root wads construction
    Conditions immediately after root wads construction
  • Floodplain Restoration and Management
    Floodplain Restoration and Management, including corridor management planning and floodplain vegetation design
  • River/Stream Restoration and Engineering
    River/Stream Restoration and Engineering, including bank stabilization, erosion, and sediment control
  • Stormwater Management
    Stormwater Management, including hydromodification management and Low Impact Development
  • Tidal Wetland Restoration
    Tidal Wetland Restoration, including estuarine and Delta modeling
  • Vernal Pool Design
    Vernal Pool Design, including surface water and groundwater interactions
  • Ecohydraulic Design-spawning/rearing habitat
    Ecohydraulic Design-spawning/rearing habitat
  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_K-GBEoJEOM
    Ecohydraulic Design-spawning/rearing habitat
  • Ecohydraulic Design-fish passage/engineered wood
    Ecohydraulic Design-fish passage/engineered wood
  • Sacramento
  • Santa Clara
    Santa Clara
  • Nimbus Basin before habitat enhancement
    Nimbus Basin before habitat enhancement
  • Nimbus Basin after side channel construction
    Nimbus Basin after side channel construction