Bangor P990 Shine Tidelands State Park Tidal Lagoon Restoration Feasibility and Tidal Hydrodynamic Modeling

cbec performed detailed field data collection, and developed a 2-dimensional hydrodynamic model of tidal and nearshore processes at the Shine Tidelands State Park proposed restoration site.

cbec assisted the prime contractor to NAVFAC (U.S. Navy) with mitigation assessment and planning services in association with implementation of a new facility at the Bangor Submarine Base in the Hood Canal, Puget Sound, Washington.

At the Shine Tidelands project site, field data collection included installation of stage (water level) recorders, detailed single beam and multi-beam bathymetric surveys and extensive topographic surveys using RTK GPS and total station survey methods. cbec developed and calibrated a detailed 2-dimensional (3-D capable) hydrodynamic model to characterize nearshore littoral processes Shine Tidelands. cbec will model existing conditions and the proposed tidal lagoon restoration alternative.

The Shine Tidelands model includes the 1.2 hectare lagoon and wetland area, road surface, nearshore tidal areas and the surrounding Hood Canal responsible for tidal currents in this region. Boundary conditions for the Shine Tidelands model were derived from a larger model of the Puget Sound and Hood Canal. Tidal fluxes, wind and waves were modeled using the Delft3D 2-dimensional hydrodynamic model.                            

Waterbody / Watershed

Hood Canal