Feasibility Assessment for Barrier Construction along Sagehen Creek
cbec has been contracted by the California Department of Fish & Wildlife to assess the feasibility for fish passage barrier construction at multiple sites along Sagehen Creek, CA.
The proposed barriers will prevent non-native fishes from recolonizing Sagehen Creek following the eradication of non-natives and the reintroduction of Lahontan cutthroat trout, a state and federally listed species endemic to the Lahontan Basin.
Fish passage barrier design is inherently multidisciplinary, with effective designs resulting from a well-integrated union of fish biology, hydrology, geomorphology and engineering, with each of these disciplines represented by cbec staff members.
The ongoing project consists of the following three phases:
- Data acquisition and analysis of the readily available biological and physical data, in order to provide an initial identification of potential barrier sites and identify additional data necessary for the project. The relevant available data includes biological composition, hydrology, topography, soils/geology and aerial imagery. This data will be synthesized and analyzed in order to inform the preliminary identification of potential barrier sites and subsequent conceptual designs.
- Site reconnaissance and measurements in order to further inform the assessment and prioritization of the potential sites.
- Compilation of the data collected, analyses performed and conceptual designs developed in Phases I and II, and preparation of a draft and final report summarizing project findings and recommendations.
Waterbody / Watershed
Sagehen Creek