Solution Covered: Sustainable Flood Risk Management
Butano Creek Channel Reconnection and Resilience Project
This multi-objective project addresses critical fish passage, water quality and flood risk challenges affecting Butano Creek, Pescadero Marsh and Lagoon and the surrounding community of Pescadero in unincorporated San Mateo._.
Kings Bay Flow Modeling and Sedimentation Study
cbec worked as a subcontractor to Versar, Inc, on behalf of AECOM and Naval Facilities Engineering Command (NAVFAC) – Atlantic. cbec built a hydrodynamic and sediment transport model of the._.
Flood Impact Analysis for the Saluda Hydroelectric Project
The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) requested Dominion Energy to quantify potential effects of a proposed change in reservoir operational procedures on flood levels upstream and downstream from the Saluda Hydroelectric._.
Wallace Weir Improvement and Fish Exclusion Project
Part of the California Natural Resources Agency’s California EcoRestore initiative, this fish exclusion project aimed to improve the operations of Wallace Weir, as well as implement a fish trapping facility._.
Natomas East Main Drainage Canal Monitoring Project
cbec has been undertaking a variety of different monitoring activities on Natomas East Main Drainage Canal (NEMDC), otherwise known as Steelhead Creek, since 2015. Monitoring activities include unmanned aerial system._.
Lower American River Current Condition DEM and 2D Model Development Project
cbec is developing a current conditions digital elevation model (DEM) and HEC-RAS two-dimensional (2D) hydrodynamic model of the lower American River for the Sacramento Water Forum and the Sacramento Area._.
Southport Multi-Objective Flood Control and Habitat Restoration Project
A cornerstone project for cbec, spanning multiple years, and with various project team configurations, this West Sacramento Area Flood Control Agency (WSAFCA) project’s goal is to set back parts of._.
Oroville Wildlife Area Flood Stage Reduction Project
Feather River bank composition Bank line analysis cbec was sub contracted by PBI to provide a geomorphic assessment of the Feather River in vicinity of the South Unit Oroville Wildlife._.
Yolo Bypass Wildlife Area Habitat and Drainage Improvements
The Yolo Bypass Wildlife Area (YBWA) supports agricultural and wildlife habitat management objectives as well as public use. Water delivery and drainage are vital to provide optimal conditions for all._.
Black Butte Dam Erosion Repairs
The City of Santa Clara operates a hydroelectric power generating facility at Black Butte Reservoir near Orland, CA. When the facility was constructed, a re-regulation basin was created below the._.
Sewer Crossing Bank Stabilization and Toe Stabilization Design
As part of the Sacramento Area Sewer District’s Creek Protection Project, cbec teamed with Brown & Caldwell to conduct a geomorphic reconnaissance at 40 stream sewer crossings in Sacramento County.._.
Northern Liberty Island Fisheries Enhancement Project Assessment
cbec applied and refined a 2D hydrodynamic model using MIKE 21FM. The MIKE 21FM model developed by cbec encompasses a complex network of tidal channels (both natural and man-made) within._.
Grady Ranch EIS/EIR Review
Photos depict large-scale bank erosion and stream degradation Photos depict large-scale bank erosion and stream degradation cbec is providing peer review as part of a revision of an EIS/R associated._.
Independent External Peer Review (IEPR) of the Sutter Basin Pilot Feasibility Study
cbec was selected to participate on the Independent External Peer Review (IEPR) Panel of the Sutter Basin Pilot Feasibility Study, Sutter Basin, California: Draft Feasibility Report – EIS/EIR, as a._.
Yolo Bypass Salmonid Habitat Restoration and Fish Passage Project EIS/EIR
The Yolo Bypass Salmonid Habitat Restoration and Fish Passage Project is a collaboration between the Bureau of Reclamation and California Department of Water Resources, that aims to provide seasonal inundation._.
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