Aaron Katz MS

Ecohydrologist I

Aaron Katz is a fluvial geomorphologist utilizing his understanding of river and stream geomorphic responses in support of cbec’s aquatic habitat restoration projects. He began his water resources career at Humboldt State University where he earned his Bachelor’s in Geology. He proceeded to gain real world experience where he sharpened his hydrologic and stormwater environmental consulting skills. Aaron then decided to further expand his fluvial geomorphology abilities at Colorado State University, where he eventually earned his Master of Geosciences-Fluvial Geomorphology. For his master’s thesis he studied wildfire-related sedimentation on the Cache la Poudre River in Northern Colorado. He determined geomorphic drivers of fine sediment retention and analyzed bed mobilization thresholds using two-dimensional hydraulic models to show how water withdrawals impact beneficial flushing flows. Aaron has significant field work experience conducting stream surveys and geomorphic assessments using real-time kinematic positioning (RTK) survey equipment and unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) drone data collection methods. He is proficient with QGIS, HEC-RAS, Agisoft Metashape, and R software.