Chris Hammersmark PhD, PE
Chris is a registered civil engineer (CA P.E. C66595) specializing in hydraulics, hydrology, geomorphology, water quality, ecology, and ecosystem rehabilitation/restoration. He has over nineteen years of experience on a diverse array of projects including river and floodplain restoration, sediment and water quality studies, flood inundation and water supply investigations. The environmental settings for these projects range from natural to urban, from coastal estuaries through lowland alluvial rivers to headwater streams and adjacent meadows and forests. Dr. Hammersmark’s technical experience includes numerical hydraulic and hydrologic modeling (e.g., HEC, USGS, USBR and DHI models), habitat suitability modeling, terrain modeling, GIS and a variety of types of field investigations including sediment characterization and sediment transport measurements, water quality sampling, flow gauging, groundwater sampling, water table measurement habitat characterization and mapping, vegetation sampling, topographic and bathymetric surveys, soil infiltration and compaction monitoring. Dr. Hammersmark’s dissertation research involved developing an integrated surface water-groundwater model to establish a water budget for a wetland system, providing spatial and temporal estimates of storage and flux through the integrated surface-subsurface system. Drawing from his diverse academic and consulting background, Dr. Hammersmark seeks innovative and sustainable process-based solutions to complex multi-objective water resource and ecosystem restoration challenges, while operating within the specific constraints of each project. He is committed to the conservation, preservation and rehabilitation of aquatic, wetland and terrestrial ecosystems.