Emmy Anzalone BS, EIT

Ecohydrologist I

Emmy is an Engineer-in-Training (EIT) with experience in fisheries and restoration fieldwork, as well as many aspects of civil engineering design. Emmy graduated from the University of Washington with a Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering, with a focus in Environmental Engineering. Following graduation, she served with the California Conservation Corps Watershed Stewards Program (WSP) where she worked with the California Department of Fish and Wildlife monitoring steelhead trout in Big Sur, and subsequently with the North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board in Santa Rosa conducting flow monitoring studies in the Eel River, Trinity River, and Navarro River Watersheds. Emmy also worked for the California Department of Water Resources as a designer on State Water Project civil public works projects. As an ecohydrologist, Emmy supports restoration and enhancement projects by conducting quality field surveys, drafting in AutoCAD, and assisting with GIS.