Matt Weber MS, PE

Senior Ecoengineer I

Matt joined cbec in 2016 with a diverse background in fluvial geomorphology, restoration ecology, and civil engineering. Matt leads multiple large-scale hydrodynamic modeling efforts to assess flood risks, project alternatives, sediment transport potential, habitat quality, and fish passage. He has extensive experience processing LiDAR data, analyzing spatial data in ArcGIS, QGIS, LAStools, and R, developing 2-dimensional hydrodynamic models in SRH-2D and HEC-RAS, and developing 1-dimensional sediment transport models in HEC-RAS. Matt has a dual bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering and Environmental Studies from University of Wisconsin, Madison, and an MS degree in Hydrologic Sciences from University of California, Davis. For his MS thesis, Matt developed a novel method for improving uncertainty estimates in digital elevation models to analyze fluvial topographic change and calculate sediment budgets.